2012 CTEQ-Fermilab School

2012 CTEQ-Fermilab School

The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD


will organize and conduct the
CTEQ-Fermilab School
QCD and Electroweak Phenomenology

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Lima, Peru
30 July - 9 August 2012




References in preparation for the School can be found on the CTEQ Pedagogical Page

The School is ideally suited for advanced graduate students and recent PhDs.

Topics to be covered:

Focused Introductory Reviews:
    Introduction to the Parton Model and Perturbative QCD                     George Sterman
    Introduction to Electroweak Theory Carlos García Canal
    Monte Carlo Introduction Stefan Hoeche
    Deeply Inelastic Scattering Fred Olness
    Higgs V. Ravindran
    Vector Bosons Fernando Febres Cordero
    Production and Evolution of High Energy Jets Matthew Schwartz
    Beyond the Standard Model Jay Wacker
    Heavy Quarks Rob Roser
In-depth Analysis and Phenomenology:
    Direct Photon Jeff Owens
    Experimental Results from ATLAS Rachid Mazini
    Experimental Results from CMS Günther Dissertori
    PDFs and Global fits Dan Stump
    Neutrino Physics Alberto Gago
    Higher Order Tools and Methods Fernando Febres Cordero
    Intensity Frontier Jorge Morfín
    Auger Experiment Humberto Salazar Ibarguen
    Diffraction Maria Beatriz Gay Ducati

Organizing Committee:

Ed Berger and Tom LeCompte, Argonne National Lab
Bill Gary, University of California, Riverside
Jorge Morfín, Fermilab
Jeff Owens, Florida State University
Nikos Varelas, University of Illinois at Chicago
Joey Huston, Michigan State University
Heidi Schellman, Northwestern University
Davison Soper, University of Oregon
Carlos García Canal, Universidad Nacional de la Plata
Alberto Gago and Hernán Castillo, (PUCP) Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Fred Olness, Southern Methodist University
Marek Zielinski, University of Rochester
Javier Solano and Orlando Pereyra, (UNI) Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Bruce Mellado, University of Wisconsin

Application Form

To apply for the School please fill out the online application form.

The online form will collect your basic contact information, a SHORT statement of current research (just a few sentences), and allow you to upload an (optional) "Curriculum Vitae & Publications" document. It will also send an email request for a letter of reference to someone you specify. All materials are collected online via the AcademicJobsOnline website; do not send hard-copies of any materials.

Final Deadline for Applications: Monday, 7 May 2012. (Note: Available financial aid will be distributed beginning 10 April, 2012.)

Enrollment will be limited to 80 participants.

A registration fee of US$550 covers the participant's portion of lodging as well as most meals. A limited number of fellowships covering all or part of the registration fee will be available.

For students with local accommodations, who do not need the hotel and consequent bus transportation, a discounted registration is available. We expect such students to participate in all coffee breaks and the discussions at the evening meal and night cap. The reduced fee is therefore set at US$150.

EMAIL: For questions, you may contact: cteq2012@list.smu.edu Do not send applications to this email -- all application material is collected online.

Members of the CTEQ Collaboration

A. Accardi-Jefferson Lab. and Hampton U.
E. Berger-Argonne Lab.
J. Campbell-Fermilab
J. Collins-Penn State U.
J. W. Gary-U.C. Riverside
W. Giele-Fermilab
J. Huston-Michigan State U.
C. Keppel-Jefferson Lab. and Hampton U.
S. Kuhlmann-Argonne Lab.
H.-L. Lai-Taipei Municipal U. of Ed.
T. LeCompte-Argonne Lab.
B. Mellado-U. of Wisconsin
J.G. Morfín-Fermilab
S. Mrenna-Fermilab
P. Nadolsky-Southern Meth. U.
F. Olness-Southern Meth. U.
J. Owens-Florida State U.
F. Petriello-Northwestern U.
J. Pumplin-Michigan State U.
J. Qiu-Brookhaven Lab.
L. Reina-Florida State U.
H. Schellman-Northwestern U.
J. Smith-SUNY Stony Brook
D. Soper-U. of Oregon
G. Sterman-SUNY Stony Brook
D. Stump-Michigan State U.
Z. Sullivan-Illinois Inst. of Tech.
N. Varelas-U. Illinois at Chicago
W. Vogelsang-Tubingen U.
D. Wackeroth-SUNY Buffalo
C.P. Yuan-Michigan State U.
D. Zeppenfeld-U. Karlsruhe
M. Zielinski-U. of Rochester

Sponsored by:

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica., and University of Wisconsin,

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