The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD

Who we are

CTEQ is a multi-institutional collaboration of theorists and experimentalists devoted to a broad program of research projects and cooperative enterprises in high-energy physics centered on Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and its implications in all areas of the Standard Model and beyond. For a list of collaboration members, present and past, see this page

What we do

The CTEQ research projects and the CTEQ summer schools and workshops are supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy through grants to the universities and laboratories of CTEQ members.

Research on QCD

A wide range of research projects to advance the quantitative predictions of Quantum Chromodynamics, emphasizing collaboration between theorists and experimentalists

Global QCD Analyses

An on-going comprehensive global QCD analysis project to test the accuracy of QCD and to extract the universal parton distribution functions needed in calculations of all high energy physics processes

CTEQ Summer School

The 2022 summer school was held July 6-16,
at the University of Pittsburgh

Wu-Ki Tung Award

For outstanding contributions made by early-career physicists on research on QCD

For important contributions to the determination of parton distribution functions through a better understanding of the complex issues of experimental systematic uncertainties.

For pioneering work on QCD energy correlators, including their all-orders factorization, multi-loop structure, phenomenological applications, and connections to conformal field theory.

For important contributions to the measurements of QCD dynamics using jets and jet substructure, as well as for long standing contributions and leadership in jet reconstruction and calibration.

CTEQ Topical Workshops and Symposia