Wu-Ki Tung Award for Early-Career Research on QCD

The Wu-Ki Tung award is to recognize outstanding contributions made by early-career physicists on experimental or theoretical research on Quantum Chromodynamics. One or, in exceptional cases, two awards will be given annually, each with a monetary prize of $5,000, travel support to give an invited lecture to a CTEQ Summer School, and a plaque citing the contributions of the recipient. Nominations of candidates whose work has contributed to the interplay of theoretical and experimental research on QCD are especially encouraged.

Serving a diverse and inclusive community of physicists worldwide is an important goal for CTEQ. Nominations of women and other members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged.


Nominees must have received a Ph.D. in experimental or theoretical particle physics within the last seven years, excluding any career breaks, by the time of nomination.

Nomination & Selection Process

Nominations for the 2024 Wu-Ki Tung Award are now accepted here

The nomination should include the following:

Nominations will remain active for one additional year and can be updated. The deadline for nominations is October 15, 2024. The recipient will be selected by the CTEQ Collaboration and will be notified in December 2024.

Information for contributing to the Wu-Ki Tung Award Fund can be found here

Questions may be directed to Nikos Varelas

Past Recipients

For important contributions to the determination of parton distribution functions through a better understanding of the complex issues of experimental systematic uncertainties.

For pioneering work on QCD energy correlators, including their all-orders factorization, multi-loop structure, phenomenological applications, and connections to conformal field theory.

For important contributions to the measurements of QCD dynamics using jets and jet substructure, as well as for long standing contributions and leadership in jet reconstruction and calibration.

For improving the understanding of quark and gluon interactions within different media through systematic studies and measurements of jet substructure in electron, proton, and heavy ion collisions.

For pioneering studies of long-wavelength and nuclear non-perturbative QCD effects in discretized space and time, and for applications of machine learning to lattice field theory.

For pioneering theoretical computations of multi-loop radiative contributions for precision Higgs and electroweak physics at hadron colliders.

For innovative contributions to the precise determination of parton distribution and fragmentation functions, and for the development of cutting-edge software to perform global fits.

For significant contributions to experimental studies of jet substructure, and for the discrimination of possible new physics signatures from QCD backgrounds using jet substructure.

For seminal contributions to the theoretical understanding of jet substructure and to the application of that understanding to the analysis of experimental data.

For significant contributions to higher-order QCD calculations for hadron scattering processes, and for their practicable implementation for the analysis of hadron collider data.