CTEQ-DESY 1995 Summer School

CTEQ-DESY 1995 Summer School on QCD Analysis and Phenomenology

From Basics to Frontiers

       The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD

                  and The Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron 

                             will conduct the 
       1995 CTEQ-DESY Summer School on QCD Analysis and Phenomenology
		Panoramic Hotel, Bad Lauterberg, Harz, Germany
			   July 17 - 25, 1995

			   Topics to be covered:

	  Introduction to the Parton Model and Perturbative QCD,

	     QCD Phenomenology and Analysis of:
	 Deep Inelastic Scattering and Polarised Structure Functions;
                   Small-x Physics/Phenomenology in DIS; 
          Lepton-pair, W and Z, Direct Photon, and Jet Production; 
           Photoproduction and Photon Structure; Heavy Quark Physics;
              Resummation Techniques; and Basic Tests of QCD;

                QCD Monte Carlo Methods and Hadronization;

         	  Diffractive Physics (Pomeron) in QCD;

                       QCD Phase Transitions;

                    Topics on Non-Perturbative QCD;

    Instructors: Members of CTEQ and Guest Lecturers 

Guest Lecturers (Partial list, others to be confirmed):
S. Bethke - Aachen RWTH 
V. Braun - DESY
G. Ingelman - Uppsala U./DESY
B. R. Webber - Cambridge U.

Members of the CTEQ Collaboration:
R. Brock - Michigan State U.	J. Collins - Penn State U.
J. Huston - Michigan State U.	S. Kuhlmann - Argonne National Lab.	
S. Mishra - Harvard U.		J. G. Morfin - Fermilab	
F. Olness - Southern Meth. U.	J. Owens - Florida State U.	
J. Pumplin - Michigan State U.	J. Qiu - Iowa State U.	
J. Smith - SUNY Stony Brook	D. Soper - U. of Oregon	
G. Sterman - SUNY Stony Brook	W.K. Tung - Michigan State U.	
H. Weerts - Michigan State U.	J. J. Whitmore - Penn State U.	
C.P. Yuan - Michigan State U.

			Organizing Committee
	    Dieter Haidt, Gunnar Ingelman and Jim Whitmore, DESY

This School is sponsored by the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY),
the U.S. National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy.
This enables us to limit the registration fee to DM720 which will cover 
lodging (double occupancy) and all meals for the participant, as well as 
some working materials.  

Bad Lauterberg is located in the Harz mountains about 35 km east of Goettingen,
Germany. It is about three to four hours driving time from Hamburg and 
Frankfurt. We expect to provide bus transportation between DESY and the hotel.
It can also be reached by train from Frankfurt or Hamburg via Goettingen.

The hotel has an indoor swimming pool, a mini-golf course as well as outdoor 
tennis courts. Additional facilities are located nearby. The Harz mountains
offer ample opportunity for hiking. It is expected that on the free day
a bus excursion will be offered to visit some of the nearby region.

To apply for the school please return the attached application form,
TOGETHER with your curriculum vitae and publication list, by e-mail, post or
FAX to the address listed on the application form.  To complete your
application package, please have one letter of reference sent to the same
address.  The entire package should be sent as SOON AS POSSIBLE.  Please
note that enrollment will be limited to about 80 participants who will be
selected by May 15, 1995. 


Dieter Haidt, Gunnar Ingelman and Jim Whitmore, <whitmore@desy.de>

Björn Pötter has prepared a writeup of the lecture given by Jack Smith on the pQCD calculation of the Drell-Yan process.

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