1997 CTEQ Summer School

1997 CTEQ Summer School

Dear Colleague,

The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD


will conduct the
CTEQ Summer School on QCD Analysis and Phenomenology
Interlaken Resort, Lake Como, Wisconsin
27 May - 4 June 1997

*** Application deadline: 4 April 1997 ***

Topics to be covered:

  • Introduction to the Parton Model and Perturbative QCD - D. Soper
  • QCD Phenomenology and Experimental Reviews of Basic Processes
    • Deeply Inelastic Scattering - J. Conrad
    • Lepton-pair / W,-Z-Production - R. Brock
    • Photo-production and Direct Photon Production - J. Owens and J. Huston
    • Jet Physics - H. Weerts
    • Heavy Quark and Quarkonium Production - M. Mangano
  • Special Topics and Techniques
    • Physics and Techniques of Event Generators - M. Seymour
    • Diffractive Scattering - J. Collins
    • Resummation and Power Corrections - G. Sterman
    • Spin/Polarization Physics in QCD - R. Jaffe
    • QCD and Precision Tests of the Standard Model - P. Langacker
    • Physics of High Energy Nuclear Collisions and Targets - J. Moss

Further information on courses and instructors will be posted here on the CTEQ Summer School WWW Page as it becomes available

Members of the CTEQ Collaboration:

R. Brock - Michigan State U. J. Collins - Penn State U.
J. Huston - Michigan State U. S. Kuhlmann - Argonne National Lab
S. Mishra - Harvard U. J. G. Morfín - Fermilab
F. Olness - Southern Meth. U. J. Owens - Florida State U.
J. Pumplin - Michigan State U. J. Qiu - Iowa State U.
J. Smith - SUNY Stony Brook D. Soper - U. of Oregon
G. Sterman - SUNY Stony Brook       W.K. Tung - Michigan State U.
H. Weerts - Michigan State U. J. J. Whitmore - Penn State U.
C.P. Yuan - Michigan State U.

Organizing Committee

Terry L. Grozis and Jorge G. Morfín, Fermilab

This School is sponsored by Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the National Science Foundation, and U.S. Department of Energy.

The cost to participants for lodging (double occupancy) and meals is $450.

Interlaken Resort is located about 60 miles north of Fermilab and the driving time is about 1-1/2 hours from Batavia. There will be a bus from Fermilab to the Resort. The Resort has indoor and outdoor swimming pools, boating and skiing on Lake Como, beach volleyball, and many more outdoor activities. Lake Geneva, about 4 miles east of the Resort, has many specialty shops, restaurants and additional outdoor activities.

For information on Fermilab lodging and transportation from local airports to Fermilab please follow the links or contact Terry Grozis.

To apply for the school please return the application form below, TOGETHER with your curriculum vitæ, and publication list, by

    Ms. Terry L. Grozis
    CTEQ School
    Fermilab - M.S. 205
    P.O. Box 500
    Batavia, Il 60510
    Fax (630) 840-2194

To complete your application package, please have one letter of reference sent to the same address. The entire package must be received by 4 April 1997. Please note that enrollment will be limited to 80 participants.


Jorge G. Morfín

Application Form


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