1998 CTEQ Summer School

1998 CTEQ Summer School

The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD


together with

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Italy

will organize and conduct the sixth

CTEQ Summer School on QCD Analysis and Phenomenology

Hotel Royal
Courmayeur, Aosta Valley, Italy
July 8 - 16, 1998


      Introduction to the Parton Model and Perturbative QCD W.K. Tung/J. Collins
QCD Phenomenology and Experimental Reviews of Basic Processes
      Deep Inelastic Scattering J. Whitmore
      Lepton-pair / W-, Z-Production J. Owens
      Photoproduction and Direct Photon Production M. Fontannaz
      Jet Physics in DIS and Hadron Colliders D. Zeppenfeld
      Heavy Quark and Quarkonium Production P. Nason
      QCD in e+e- interactions J.W. Gary
Special Topics and Techniques
      Higher Order Perturbative Calculations in e+e- and Resummation S. Catani
      Physics and Techniques of Event Generators T. Sjostrand
      Global QCD Analysis and Parton Distributions S. Kuhlmann
      Heavy Quark Effective Theories M. Neubert
      Fragmentation of Light and Heavy Quarks M. Cacciari
      Non-Perturbative QCD G. Sterman
      Spin/Polarization Physics in QCD G. Ridolfi
      QCD, Precision Tests of the Standard Model TBA
      Beyond the Standard Model - SUSY R. Rattazzi
      Diffractive Physics J. Dainton
      Neutrino Physics in the Next Decade J.G. Morfín
      QCD at the LHC Z. Kunszt

Program Committee:

Members of the CTEQ Collaboration
Mario Greco and Luca Trentadue, Rome III U. and Parma U., INFN

Members of the CTEQ Collaboration:

R. Brock - Michigan State U. J. Collins - Penn State U.
J. Conrad - Columbia U. J. Huston - Michigan State U.
S. Kuhlmann - Argonne National Lab       J. G. Morfín - Fermilab
F. Olness - Southern Meth. U. J. Owens - Florida State U.
J. Pumplin - Michigan State U. J. Qiu - Iowa State U.
J. Smith - SUNY Stony Brook D. Soper - U. of Oregon
G. Sterman - SUNY Stony Brook W. K. Tung - Michigan State U.
H. Weerts - Michigan State U. J. J. Whitmore - Penn State U.
C. P. Yuan - Michigan State U. D. Zeppenfeld - U. of Wisconsin

Organizing Committee:

Terry L. Grozis and Jorge G. Morfín, Fermilab
Mario Greco and Luca Trentadue, Rome III U. and Parma U., INFN

To apply for the school please return the attached application form, TOGETHER with your curriculum vitæ and publication list, by e-mail, post, or Fax to the address listed on the application form. To complete your application package, please have one letter of reference sent to the same address. Please note that enrollment will be limited to 80 participants.

The registration fee of $500 will cover lodging (double occupancy) and all three meals for the participant.

Sponsored by:
Argonne National Laboratory, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, and Regione Autonoma, Valle d'Aosta

Application Form

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