2000 CTEQ Summer School
The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD
will organize and conduct the seventh
CTEQ Summer School on QCD Analysis and Phenomenology
Lake Geneva,
Wisconsin, USA
30 May - 7 June 2000

Topics to be covered:
- e-mail to TGROZIS@FNAL.GOV,
- post, or
- FAX to
- text version
- PostScript version
- PDF version
Program Committee:
Organizing Committee:
To apply for the school please return the application form, TOGETHER
with your curriculum vitæ and publication list, by e-mail, post or
Fax to the address listed on the application form. To complete your
application package, please have one letter of reference sent to the same
address. The entire package must be received by
*** 7 April 2000 ***.
Please note that enrollment will be limited to 80 participants.
The registration fee of $500 will cover lodging (double occupancy) and meals on all class days for the participant.
For information on Fermilab transportation and accomodation information please follow the link or contact Terry Grozis.
Ms. Terry L. Grozis
CTEQ School
Fermilab - M.S. 205
P.O. Box 500
Batavia, Il 60510
Fax (630) 840-2194
Application Form
(GIF format 154273 bytes)Members of the CTEQ Collaboration
E. Berger - Argonne Lab. | R. Brock - Michigan State U. |
J. Collins - Penn State U. | J. Conrad - Columbia U |
J. Huston - Michigan State U. | S. Kuhlmann - Argonne Lab. |
J. G. Morfin - Fermilab | F. Olness - Southern Meth. U. |
J. Owens - Florida State U. | J. Pumplin - Michigan State U. |
J. Qiu - Iowa State U. | H. Schellman - Northwestern U. |
J. Smith - SUNY Stony Brook | D. Soper - U of Oregon |
G. Sterman - SUNY Stony Brook | W.K. Tung - Michigan State U. |
N. Varelas - U. Illinois/Chi. | H. Weerts - Michigan State U. |
J. J. Whitmore - Penn State U. | C.P. Yuan - Michigan State U. |
D. Zeppenfeld - U. of Wisconsin |
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