2001 CTEQ Summer School

2001 CTEQ Summer School

The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD


together with

the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP)
(University of Durham)

will organize and conduct the eighth
CTEQ Summer School on QCD Analysis and Phenomenology
St. Andrews, Scotland
17-26 June 2001

Castle - view from the
Southeast, by Patrick Young

Topics to be covered:

    Introduction to the Parton Model and Perturbative QCD (D. Soper, U. of Oregon)
    QCD Phenomenology and Experimental Reviews of Basic Processes
    Deep-Inelastic Scattering (A. Doyle, U. of Glasgow)
    QCD in e+e- Interactions (G . Cowan, Royal Holloway, U. of London; J.W. Gary, UC Riverside)
    Lepton Pair / W-, Z-Production (R. Brock, Michigan State U.)
    Photoproduction, Direct Photon, and Photon-Photon (S. Kuhlmann, Argonne Lab.; J. Owens, Florida State U.)
    Jet Physics at Hadron Colliders (N. Glover, IPPP, U. of Durham; N. Varelas, U. Illinois, Chicago)
    Heavy Quark Production (R.K. Ellis, Fermilab)
    Event Generators (S. Mrenna, UC Davis)
    Special Topics and Techniques
    New Physics Signals at Colliders (J. Ellis, CERN)
    QCD Backgrounds and Corrections to New Physics (J. Huston, Michigan State U.)
    Future Lepton Colliders (P. Burrows, U. of Oxford)
    b-Factory Physics (P. Ball, IPPP/CERN)
    Lattice QCD (C. Davies, U. of Glasgow)
    Global Fits and Uncertainties in Parton Distribution Functions (R. Thorne, U. of Cambridge)
    DIS at Small x (R. Ball, U. of Edinburgh)
    Diffraction (J. Forshaw, U. of Manchester)
    Polarization (W. Vogelsang, Brookhaven Lab.)
    Tutorial on a One-Loop Calculation (C.P. Yuan, Michigan State U.)
    Survey of Neutrino Physics (J.G.Morfín, Fermilab)

    Program Committee:

    Mike Seymour, U. of Manchester       James Stirling, IPPP, U. of Durham
    and Members of the CTEQ Collaboration

    Organizing Committee:

    Terry L. Grozis and Jorge G. Morfín, Fermilab
    Linda Wilkinson and James Stirling, IPPP, U. of Durham
    George Sterman, SUNY, Stony Brook

    To apply for the school please return the application form, TOGETHER with your curriculum vitæ and publication list, by e-mail, post or Fax to the address listed on the application form. To complete your application package, please have one letter of reference sent to the same address. The entire package must be received by *** 9 April 2001 ***. Please note that enrollment will be limited to 80 participants.

    A registration fee of £300 covers the participant's portion of lodging and meal costs on all class days.

      Ms. Terry L. Grozis
      CTEQ School
      Fermilab - M.S. 205
      P.O. Box 500
      Batavia, Il 60510
      Fax (630) 840-2194

    Application Form

    General Information

    Check-in will be held in University Hall on June 17th from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. followed by a buffet dinner between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.


    Banking facilities are available in the town centre, St Andrews.

    Incoming mail address

    Your name
    CTEQ/IPPP Summer School
    University Hall
    Kennedy Gardens
    St Andrews Fife
    KY16 9DL


    Edinburgh and Glasgow. If required transportation from either airport to St Andrews can be arranged (approximately 1 and 1.5 hours drive away). We suggest you make any car rental arrangements with your local travel agent.
    The nearest railway station is Leuchars (4 miles from St Andrews) and can be reached from London in 5-6 hours.


    Linda Wilkinson
    Administrative Secretary
    Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
    Department of Physics
    University of Durham
    DH1 3LE
    Tel: +44 (0)191 3744710
    Fax: +44 (0)191 3744537

    Members of the CTEQ Collaboration

    E. Berger - Argonne Lab. R. Brock - Michigan State U.
    J. Collins - Penn State U. J. Conrad - Columbia U
    J. W. Gary - U.C. Riverside W. Giele - Fermilab
    J. Huston - Michigan State U. S. Kuhlmann - Argonne Lab.
    J. G. Morfín - Fermilab F. Olness - Southern Meth. U.
    J. Owens - Florida State U. J. Pumplin - Michigan State U.
    J. Qiu - Iowa State U. H. Schellman - Northwestern U.
    J. Smith - SUNY Stony Brook D. Soper - U of Oregon
    G. Sterman - SUNY Stony Brook        W.K. Tung - Michigan State U.
    N. Varelas - U. Illinois/Chi. H. Weerts - Michigan State U.
    J. J. Whitmore - Penn State U. C.P. Yuan - Michigan State U.
    D. Zeppenfeld - U. of Wisconsin

    Sponsored by:

    the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP), Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the National Science Foundation, and U.S. Department of Energy.

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