2008 CTEQ - MCnet Summer School

2008 CTEQ - MCnet Summer School
on QCD Phenomenology and Monte Carlo Event Generators

The fifteenth school of the Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD (CTEQ) and the second school of the Monte Carlo Marie Curie Research Training Network (MCnet) will be held jointly in

Debrecen, Hungary
8-16 August 2008

A combination of broad lectures on QCD theory, phenomenology and analysis and a practical approach to event generator physics and techniques, with hands-on sessions and talks on using them in real analyses

Debrecen Main Square

References in preparation for the Summer School can be found on the CTEQ Pedagogical Page

Topics to be covered:

Archive of Talks

Introduction to the Parton Model and Perturbative QCD                     (Dave Soper, U. Oregon)
Focused Introductory Reviews:
    Deeply Inelastic Scattering (Mandy Cooper-Sarkar, U. Oxford)
    Higgs Physics at the LHC (Babis Anastasiou, ETH Zurich)
    Standard Model (James Stirling, U. Durham [TBC])
    Jets (Gavin Salam, LPTHE Paris)
    Heavy Quarks including Top (Matteo Cacciari, LPTHE Paris)
    Beyond the Standard Model (John Ellis, CERN [TBC])
    Introduction to Event Generators (Mike Seymour, CERN / U. Manchester)
In-depth Analysis, Phenomenology and Hands-on Experience:
    Matching to Fixed Order Matrix Elements (Leif Lonnblad, Lund U.)
    Parton Distribution Functions (Joey Huston, Michigan State U.)
    Underlying Events / Minimum Bias (Torbjorn Sjostrand, Lund U.)
    Monte Carlos in Medical Research (Martin Utley, U. College London)

Participants will have the opportunity for extensive, guided hands-on experience in running various event generators using the University of Debrecen computer facilities.

Application materials must be received by 30 April 2008. Applications are particularly encouraged from women and other under-represented sections of the community. Please note that enrollment will be limited to 80 participants.

A registration fee of EURO 400 covers the participant's portion of lodging as well as breakfast and evening meal for the duration of the School. Bursaries are available for participants from Less Favoured Regions and New Member States of the EU and others in financial need.


(link to appear soon.)

Local Organizer:

Zoltán Trócsányi, University of Debrecen

Organizing Committee:

David Grellscheid, University of Durham
Terry L. Grozis, Fermilab
Joey Huston, Michigan State University
Jorge G. Morfin, Fermilab
Fred Olness, Southern Methodist University
Jeff Owens, Florida State University
Michael Seymour, CERN / Univeristy of Manchester
Davison Soper, University of Oregon
George Sterman, SUNY, Stony Brook

Sponsored by:

University of Debrecen, US National Science Foundation, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
EU Marie Curie Actions: Human Resources and Mobility

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