2010 CTEQ - MCnet Summer School

2010 CTEQ - MCnet Summer School
on QCD Phenomenology and Monte Carlo Event Generators

The seventeenth school of the Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD (CTEQ) and the fourth school of the Monte Carlo Marie Curie Research Training Network (MCnet) will be held jointly in

Lauterbad (Black Forest), Germany
26 July - 4 August 2010

A combination of broad lectures on QCD theory, phenomenology and analysis and a practical approach to event generator physics and techniques, with hands-on sessions and talks on using them in real analyses

Please check our indico server for updated information on travel, accomodation, programme etc.

Waldhotel Zollernblick

The school will take place in the Waldhotel Zollernblick.
Lauterbad is a small village near Freudenstadt in the middle of the Black Forest in the South West of Germany.

Topics to be covered:

Introduction to the Parton Model and Perturbative QCD                     (Fred Olness, SMU Dallas)
Introduction to Monte Carlo Event Generators                     (Torbjörn Sjöstrand, Lund)
Focused Introductory Reviews:
    Standard Model and Higgs (Dieter Zeppenfeld, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
    Jet Physics (Ken Hatakeyama, Baylor U)
    Deeply Inelastic Scattering (Burkhard Reisert, MPI Munich)
    Top Quark Physics (Wolfgang Wagner, Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
    Neutrino Physics (Jorge Morfin, Fermilab)
    Direct Photons, Vector Bosons (Jeff Owens, Florida State University)
    B-Physics (Tatsuya Nakada, EPFL Lausanne)
In-depth Analysis, Phenomenology and Hands-on Experience:
    Parton Distribution Functions (Stefano Forte, U Milano)
    Resummation (Jeff Owens, Florida State University)
    First LHC Results: High pt (Klaus Rabbertz, KIT)
    First LHC Results: Minimum Bias (William H. Bell, U de Geneve)
    First LHC Results: Low pt and Particle ID (Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus, CERN)
    First LHC Results: small x and pdfs (Ronan McNulty, University College Dublin)
    Hands-on Practicals with Pythia8, Herwig++, Sherpa and Rivet (MCnet members)
    Applications in Finance and Risk Analysis (Jochen Meyer, d-fine GmbH)

References in preparation for the Summer School can be found on the CTEQ Pedagogical Page

Participants will have the opportunity for extensive, guided hands-on experience in running various event generators

Applications must be received up to 15 April 2010. Applications are particularly encouraged from women and other under-represented sections of the community. Please note that enrollment will be limited to 60 participants.

A registration fee of EURO 650 covers the participant's portion of lodging (11 days from 25 July - 5 August) as well as all meals and coffee breaks for the duration of the school. Bursaries are available for participants from Less Favoured Regions and New Member States of the EU and any others in financial need.

Contact and enquiries

Enquiries about bursaries and all other questions should be sent to the organisers .

Applications, travel and other information

The application form as well as further information about travel etc can be obtained from the indico server.

Local Organizers:

Stefan Gieseke, Simon Plätzer, Andrzej Siodmok, Malin Sjödahl, Dieter Zeppenfeld (all KIT)

Organizing Committee:

David Grellscheid, University of Durham
Joey Huston, Michigan State University
Jorge G. Morfin, Fermilab
Fred Olness, Southern Methodist University
Jeff Owens, Florida State University
Michael Seymour, University of Manchester
Peter Skands, CERN
Davison Soper, University of Oregon
George Sterman, SUNY, Stony Brook

Sponsored by:

EU Marie Curie Actions: Human Resources and Mobility
NSF Logo CERN Logo KIT Logo Helmholtz Alliance Logo DESY Logo Fermilab Logo

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