2011 CTEQ Summer School

2011 CTEQ Summer School

The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD


will organize and conduct the eighteenth
CTEQ Summer School on QCD Analysis and Phenomenology

Madison, Wisconsin USA
10-20 July 2011


Memorial Terrace

Summer on Lake Mendota

References in preparation for the Summer School can be found on the CTEQ Pedagogical Page

The School is ideally suited for advanced graduate students and recent PhDs.

Topics to be covered:

Focused Introductory Reviews:
    Introduction to the Parton Model and Perturbative QCD                     George Sterman (SUNY-Stony Brook)
    Deeply Inelastic Scattering Cynthia Keppel (JLab / Hampton U)
    Higgs Frank Petriello (Argonne/Northwestern)
    Vector Bosons Pavel Nadolsky (SMU)
    Production and Evolution of High Energy Jets Davison Soper (U Oregon)
    Standard Model Zack Sullivan (IIT)
    Beyond the Standard Model Kaustubh Agashe (U Maryland)
    Monte Carlo and Matching Steve Mrenna (Fermilab)
    Heavy Quarks (Experiment) Tom LeCompte (Argonne)
    Heavy Quarks (Theory) Fred Olness (SMU)
In-depth Analysis and Phenomenology:
    MadGraph/MadEvent Tutorial Tim Stelzer (UIUC)
    How we extract data Heidi Schellman (Northwestern)
    Direct Photon Jainwei Qiu (BNL)
    Experimental Results from ATLAS Corrinne Mills (Harvard)
    Experimental Results from CMS Rick Cavanaugh (UI-Chicago)
    PDFs and Global fits Dan Stump (MSU)
    Jet Substructure Davison Soper (U Oregon)
    Neutrinos Dave Schmitz (Fermilab)
    Higher Order Tools and Methods Laura Reina (FSU)

Organizing Committee:

Aimee Lefkow and Bruce Mellado, University of Wisconsin
Jorge Morfin, Fermilab
Joey Huston, Michigan State University
Ed Berger and Tom LeCompte, Argonne National Lab
Fred Olness, Southern Methodist University
Jeff Owens, Florida State University
Davison Soper, University of Oregon
Bill Gary, University of California, Riverside
Heidi Schellman, Northwestern University
Nikos Varelas, University of Illinois at Chicago

Application Form

To apply for the School please fill out the online application form at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/635
The online form will collect your basic contact information, a SHORT statement of current research (just a few sentences), and allow you to upload an (optional) "Curriculum Vitae & Publications" document. It will also send an email request for a letter of reference to someone you specify. All materials are collected online via the AcademicJobsOnline website; do not send hard-copies of any materials.

All materials must be received by 30 April 2011.

Please note that enrollment will be limited to 80 participants.

A registration fee of $600 covers the participant's portion of lodging aswell as all meals.

EMAIL: For questions, you may contact: cteq2011@smu.edu
Do not send applications to this email -- all application material is collected online.

Members of the CTEQ Collaboration

E. Berger-Argonne Lab.
J. Collins-Penn State U.
J. W. Gary-U.C. Riverside
W. Giele-Fermilab
J. Huston-Michigan State U.
C. Keppel-Jefferson Lab. and Hampton U.
S. Kuhlmann-Argonne Lab.
H.-L. Lai-Taipei Municipal U. of Ed.
T. LeCompte-Argonne Lab.
B. Mellado-U. of Wisconsin
J.G. Morfin-Fermilab
S. Mrenna-Fermilab
P. Nadolsky-Southern Meth. U.
F. Olness-Southern Meth. U.
J. Owens-Florida State U.
F. Petriello-Northwestern U.
J. Pumplin-Michigan State U.
J. Qiu-Brookhaven Lab.
L. Reina-Florida State U.
H. Schellman-Northwestern U.
J. Smith-SUNY Stony Brook
D. Soper-U. of Oregon
G. Sterman-SUNY Stony Brook
D. Stump-Michigan State U.
Z. Sullivan-Illinois Inst. of Tech.
N. Varelas-U. Illinois at Chicago
W. Vogelsang-Tubingen U.
D. Wackeroth-SUNY Buffalo
C.P. Yuan-Michigan State U.
D. Zeppenfeld-U. Karlsruhe
M. Zielinski-U. of Rochester

Sponsored by:

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, and University of Wisconsin,

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