2018 CTEQ School

2018 CTEQ Summer School

The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD


will organize and conduct the
CTEQ School
QCD and Electroweak Phenomenology

Mayaguez, Puerto Rico USA
18 - 28 June 2018

The school will be locally hosted by the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez








2018 School: The Movie

References in preparation for the School can be found on the CTEQ Pedagogical Page

The School is ideally suited for advanced graduate students and recent PhDs.

Topics to be covered:

Focused Introductory Reviews:
    Introduction to the Parton Model and Perturbative QCD                    
    Introduction to Monte Carlo Event Generators
    Deeply Inelastic Scattering
    Higgs Boson Physics
    Vector Bosons / Direct Photons
    Jets & Jet Substructure
    Heavy Quarks
    Neutrino Physics
In-depth Analysis and Phenomenology:
    Higgs at Hadron Colliders
    QCD/EWK/Top/Searches at Hadron Colliders
    PDFs and Global Fits
    Intensity Frontier/Muon Physics
    Machine Learning
    The Standard Model and Beyond

Organizers: Tao Han, Kenichi Hatakeyama, Stefan Hoeche, Joey Huston, Cynthia Keppel, Sudhir Malik, Jorge Morfin, Fred Olness, Pavel Nadolsky, Paul Reimer, Dave Soper, Zack Sullivan, Nikos Varelas, Mayda Velasco, C.P. Yuan

Application Form

To apply for the School please fill out the online application form.

The online form will collect your basic contact information, a SHORT statement of current research (just a few sentences), and allow you to upload an (optional) "Curriculum Vitae & Publications" document. All materials are collected online via the AcademicJobsOnline website; do not send hard-copies of any materials.

AcademicJobsOnline will also send an email request for a letter of reference to someone you specify. We only need a very SHORT reference; just a few sentences stating that you have the necessary background for the school is sufficient.

Review of applications begins: 1 March 2018, and will continue through as space is available. (Note: All available financial aid has been distributed.)

Enrollment will be limited to 80 participants.

A registration fee of US$700 covers the participant's portion of lodging as well as most meals. A limited number of fellowships covering all or part of the registration fee will be available.

EMAIL: For questions, you may contact: cteq.school@gmail.com Do not send applications to this email -- all application material is collected online.

Sponsored by:

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez , Colegio De Fisica Fundamental E Interdiciplinaria De Las Americas (COFI), U.S. Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, Fermi National Accelerator Lab, Jefferson Laboratory, MC-Net, and PITTsburgh Particle physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Center (PITT PACC).

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